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Saturday, 19 November 2016 12:04

Portals Of Reflection

Written by  Priscilla K. Garatti
Photo by Felicia Evans Photo by Felicia Evans

I am fascinated by doors and gateways. What mystery might await me if I twist the knob and walk over the threshold--push open the gate?  

This week I decided to "open" a metaphorical door--my morning pages.  Four years ago, I began a spiritual practice of writing three pages in the mornings.  I learned this practice from Julia Cameron, the renowned author of The Artist's Way.  She recommends writing three pages of stream of consciousness longhand before the day begins.  I have come to count on this practice as a form of prayer.  I am frequently surprised that sprinkled between the mundane lines of "it's hard to get up and go to work one more day" (and the like), often what surfaces are deeper insights such as, "Rest is my best weapon."  

At this time of year, nearing the end of 2016, I opted to go back six months to those pages and reflect--see what floated up.  God seemed to speak to me.  Comfort me. Affirm me. It was as if I opened one door and a hallway of doors became evident.  I share some of  these portals of reflection here.  There were so many, I could not share them all--that "over-supply" that is God's way. You are welcomed to use the phrases that brimmed to the surface as a means of validation from the One who adores you, who is delighted with you--who is for you.  Add your own.

God speaks:

Embrace the reality of heaven and use your gifting to bring heaven to earth.

I protect you with rest and comfort.

I love you profoundly; you do not have to perform for me; receive my grace.

I bring clairty and sharp focus to your mind.

Take refuge in my wisdom.

You are covered with my protection.

Go even higher in me.

I favor you as a means to reflect my presence and healing in a dark world.

I lead you into the deep dark cathedral of the universe.

I refresh you and cleanse you with my fragrant current.  Inhale my grace.

My peace and presence create a steady and comforting habitat for your life.

I manage the heights for you.

I coax you into the beautiful now.

My presence creates a protective barrier that encircles you with light.

I am at work in the hidden folds of your life.

I am the light of the stars and the bright glow of the moon when the sky is dark.

I heal your bruised heart.

I unveil the mystery of "what's next."

I create the perfect pace for your mind, body and spirit.

I am your vast ocean of love and mercy.

My gifts are wide awake in you.

In me, you wing your way into the clear blue day.

I hold you up with my faithful forces.

I dissolve sadness, bandage and heal emotional, mental and spiritual wounds--mend fractures and remedy limps.

I am intertwined with you, and you were born for such a time as this to reflect my light.


A prayer:

I always pray to the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation of insight into mysteries and secrets in the deep and intimate knowledge of Him." (Ephesians 1:17).