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Saturday, 15 April 2017 09:24

I Am Always Right Here

Written by  Priscilla K. Garatti

When I walk, I often listen to Pandora.  If I hear a song I like, I'll pause and look at the title.  This week I happened to look down and read on the phone screen, I Am Always Right.  I thought to myself, "That's not the title I'd expect from such an evocative instrumental piece."  Then I looked again and I'd missed a word.  The title of the song was, I Am Always Right Here.  I laughed to myself and thought, "Sometimes that kind of arrogant attitude is what I project toward God--He's always right and I better keep it together to stay on His good side."  No mindset could be more toxic--that simple word "here" making all the difference.  He is "I AM." Here and present. Always.

After my walk, I pondered what God might be saying to me, getting my attention through that mistaken song title, surely, a bit of His kind humor.  I got out my journal and penned a letter that I think He could have written to me and slipped into the mail slot.  Perhaps this missive may encourage you as well.  More and more, I'm convinced that our perception of God is the most important mindset we will ever develop.  He is good, and He withholds nothing good from us.  When I unseal the envelope this is what I read:


Please know that I'm delighted with you--right where you are today.  You have nothing to prove to me.  You can lean back and relax in my presence.  I am entirely engaged with your story and create a brilliant, individualized process to move you forward.  I adore your process.  Know that I am always aware of you and your affections, and I find great pleasure in making you aware of me.

You can expect my favor, my provision, my wisdom, my latitude, my peace in the midst of your celebrations, disappointments and longings.  I am your strength, your grace.  Your role is to stay by my side and receive all that I want to give you.  Remember that I'm the giver and you're the receiver.  I've planned it this way so that you can be the giver as well in the areas of influence in which I've placed you.  I always over-supply for you so that giving becomes natural and joyful.  Then you have the same pleasure that I do when you experience people receivng what I have to give them through you.  See how it works?  Allow yourself to marvel in my ways.

Be comforted by me.  Often, I know, your heart becomes ragged and tattered living on this side.  Live inside my superior kindness, my extravagant peace of mind that I desire for you to experience.  The world is competitive, negative and overly complex.  I know there are holes in your life that you try to fill with human solutions.  Don't despair about the holes.  Remember the colander metaphor I gave you months ago.  The holes act as filtering agents--to keep the good, toxins rinsed, leaving you cleansed and refreshed.  Remember that I frequently use the concept of "paradox."  

I am your iconic perfume.  When you spend time with me, my fragrance clings to you, and others are attracted to this glorious scent.  Everywhere you go, you are a fragrance.  Listen, too, for my sound. My voice contains the healing tones of rushing water and waves, living water that flows for eternity.  You will know my voice, because I want you to hear me.  Drink me in.  This is your inheritance.

I give you multiple glimpses of my Kingdom so that you constantly reflect who I am on earth.  You can be confident that I will never stop revealing myself to you.  Lift your face to me, fearless.  Open your arms and allow my light to permeate your life.  You stand on a faultless platform--my love.  You cannot be shaken, because I am your constancy.  Whispers of my affection echo through your spirit, my divine breath in your ear, assuring you of my love--keeping you, assuaging life's pain.  Feel my embrace, beloved.  I am always right here.